Fraud Fest 2022: Detecting Fraud
Our Fifth Annual Forum on Financial Fraud
Presented by:

Agenda (All Times Eastern Daylight Time)
Frank Partnoy, Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Rupert Younger, Director, Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation
Herb Greenberg, Editor, Empire Financial Research
Soren Aandahl, Founder, Blue Orca Capital
Jim Chanos, President and Founder, Kynikos Associates
Richard Collier, Associate Fellow, Said Business School
Christoph Spengel, Professor, University of Mannheim
Philip Stafford, Editor, FT Trading Room
Rupert Younger, Director, Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation
David Barstow, Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Emily Flitter, Reporter, The New York Times
Bethany McLean, Contributing Editor, Vanity Fair
Doreen Carvajal, Journalist and Author
Ana Romero Galán, Journalist and Author
Liz Young, Visiting Fellow, University of Oxford
John Gapper, Associate Editor and Columnist, Financial Times
Andrew Left, Founder and Executive Editor, Citron Research
Omeed Malik, Founder and CEO, Farvahar Partners
Adam Badawi, Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Mary Childs, Co-Host, NPR’s Planet Money
Jesse Eisinger, Senior Editor, ProPublica
Victor Fleischer, Professor, University of California, Irvine
Kari Larson, Senior Litigation Counsel, Department of Justice
Kris Bennatti, CEO, Bedrock AI
Hane L. Kim, Chief of the Retail Strategy Task Force (RSTF), SEC’s Division of Enforcement
Daniel Taylor, Professor, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Ann Freedman, FreedmanArt
Diana Henriques, Author, A First-Class Catastrophe: The Road to Black Monday, the Worst Day in Wall Street History
Frank Partnoy, Professor, University of California, Berkeley
J. Travis Laster, Vice Chancellor, Delaware Court of Chancery
Jed Rakoff, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
Usha Rodrigues, Professor, University of Georgia School of Law
Enrique Abeyta, Editor, Empire Financial Research
Elizabeth Pollman, Professor, University of Pennsylvania Law School
David Zaring, Professor, The Wharton School
Joshua Mitts, Professor, Columbia Law School
Frank Partnoy, Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Carson Block, Founder, Muddy Waters Research
Robert Jackson, Professor, New York University Law
Diana Henriques, Author, A First-Class Catastrophe: The Road to Black Monday, the Worst Day in Wall Street History

Soren Aandahl

Enrique Abeyta

Adam Badawi

David Barstow

Kris Bennatti

Carson Block

Doreen Carvajal

Jim Chanos

Mary Childs

Richard Collier

Jesse Eisinger

Victor Fleischer

Emily Flitter

Ann Freedman

John Gapper

Herb Greenberg

Diana Henriques

Robert Jackson

Hane L. Kim

Kari Larson

J. Travis Laster

Andrew Left

Omeed Malik

Bethany McLean

Joshua Mitts

Frank Partnoy

Elizabeth Pollman

Jed Rakoff

Usha Rodrigues

Ana Romero Galán

Christoph Spengel

Philip Stafford

Adam Sterling

Daniel Taylor

Liz Young

Rupert Younger